What is a Valid Objection to a Planning Application ?
The District Council Planning Dept can only take into account 'material planning considerations' when looking at your comments. The most common of these (although not an exhaustive list) are shown below:
Loss of light or overshadowing
Overlooking/loss of privacy
Overbearing development
Visual amenity (but not loss of private view)
Adequacy of parking/loading/turning/access
Highway safety
Traffic generation
Noise and disturbance resulting from use
Hazardous materials
Foul water/sewage disposal
Surface water runoff/flooding
Loss of trees/Tree Preservation Orders
Effect on listed building and conservation area
Layout and density of development/building
Design, appearance and materials
Impact on landscape
Impact SSIs, AONB, UNESCO Biosphere
Road access
Creates a precedent for future developments
Impact on Tourism/Employment
Local, strategic, regional and national planning policies
Government circulars, orders and statutory instruments
Disabled persons' access
Compensation and awards of costs against the Council at public enquiries
Proposals in the Development Plan
Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
Nature conservation
Solar panels
We cannot take into account matters which are sometimes raised but are not normally
planning considerations such as:
The perceived loss of property value
Private disputes between neighbours
The loss of a view
The impact of construction work or competition between firms
Restrictive covenants
Ownerships disputes over rights of way
Fence lines etc
Personal morals or views about the applicant.
Please note: it is important to understand that the material considerations relevant to any
particular application will need to be weighed in the final decision process according to
their seriousness and relative importance.