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Parish Council Meeting Dates - 2024

Parish Council meetings, all held on the third Tuesday of the month, will commence at 7:30.  

PCM =  Parish Council Meeting       APCM = Annual Parish Council Meeting       APM = Annual Parish Meeting 

Any queries or concerns should be taken up with the Parish Clerk.


16 January             Woolsery Sports and Community Hall

20 February               Woolsery Sports and Community Hall

19 March                Bucks Mills Village Hall

16 April                  Woolsery Sports and Community Hall

14 April                  Woolsery Sports and Community Hall - Annual Parish Meeting (APM)             

21 May                   Woolsery Sports and Community Hall - Annual Parish Council Meeting (APCM)

18 June                  Woolsery Sports and Community Hall

16 July                   Bucks Mills Village Hall

20 August              Woolsery Sports and Community Hall

17 September        Woolsery Sports and Community Hall

15 October             Bucks Mills Village Hall

19 November          Woolsery Sports and Community Hall - including Budget Setting for 2025/26

17 December          Woolsery Sports and Community Hall

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